Tuesday, May 14, 2013

I think I can...I think I can...

Less than 12 weeks to go!

Yesterday I finally went to see a physical therapist about my sciatica. It was getting pretty bad. Friday, when I was leaving work to run my errands, I got about 1/2 way down the stairs and froze. My hip and butt hurt so bad I couldn't move. All I could do was stand there and cry for about 10 minutes. No one else was in the office. There was nothing I could do. My leg started to shake and my toes got numb. I thought I was going to fall, face first, down the rest of the 10 or so stairs. Very scary. I made it, eventually. And I even went back up the stairs and down again before leaving for the day. The physical therapist....freaking hottie, I might add...said my shoulders were even but my right hip was higher than my left. He did a few embarrassing exercises with me to pin point where the pain was originating. There is a muscle in the butt, the Piriformis, that pretty much sits on the sciatic nerve. During pregnancy, a woman's joints soften and the muscles sort of overcompensate and tighten, causing some discomfort in the hips. My Piriformis is tightening right on my sciatic nerve. So this pregnancy is officially a pain in my ass. He doesn't think any of this is caused from a back issue...but said time will tell.

As Dr. Hotness was assessing the problem, I was embarrassed, nervous and in pain pretty much the whole time. He was hotness...I was HOT MESS! Ugh. He reassured me that it wasn't uncommon and in time, the pain would lessen and likely disappear once I gave birth. Well, that's a relief. I only have to hobble for 12 more weeks, at the most. I have to go back one more time this week and then 3 x a week until one of us decides I'm good to do the exercises on my own and my hips have squared. Our insurance is pretty crappy so I probably won't go after next week. We'll see how I feel.

Today I saw my Ob for my regular appointment. He was happy that my numbers were low enough to pass the 3 hour glucose test but he's still concerned. He said based on the results, he's worried my body doesn't process sugar well during pregnancy and wants me to continue to watch my diet. Little to no sugar/carbs. I only gained 2 lbs. in a month. I thought I was doing pretty good. He said his main concern is that if I continue without watching my sugar/carb intake, baby will be 9-10 lbs. by delivery. Ouch. I have big babies anyway so I guess I better follow his orders! He also thinks I'll deliver at 38-39 weeks. My uterus is still measuring a little big for this stage but baby is good.  I asked him if I should be concerned about the Braxton Hicks and he said not unless I start to have 5 an hour, or more. Well, ok. If you say so, Doc.

Our yet-to-be-named Ninja baby is mighty active so I'm not worried about him too much. This boy packs some power in those punches and kicks! And when he wants to move, he makes sure nothing gets in his way. He's like...the Hulk. Ha! Now I'm picturing a little green, muscle baby wreaking havoc in the womb.

The baby shower is in 26 days! I'm feeling a little funny thinking there are people that will find it bad manners or something that I'm having a shower for my 3rd baby. I realize they are all boys...so to some it might seem crazy.  But it's been 12 years. Is it really THAT crazy? This is our last baby and I'm literally starting from scratch. I guess if they feel that strongly, they shouldn't come to the shower.  Personally, I think every baby is worthy of a celebration. But, to each his own.

In approximately 81 days, I'll be holding this little dude in my arms and thanking God for him. We've been waiting a very long time for you, Ninja baby. We're so close!!! I love you so much, already. We got this!!!