Wednesday, July 17, 2013

What dreams may come...

Tomorrow will be here in the blink of an eye.  And then, it will be gone.

I've been sitting here with oodles of anticipation for my Dr. appointment tomorrow afternoon because I know the Dr. will check to see if there's any progression and I'm not good at hiding my emotions. I want my little ninja baby here, like...yesterday! My hope? I hope I'm dilated to at least 2-3. I want this to happen because he's ready.  I really don't want to be induced and I really, really don't want it to result in c-section. The odds of that are slim, but if baby is as big as Doc is anticipating, it's not unreasonable to think it might have to happen. I certainly don't want bigger problems with the slipped disk in my back down the I trust Doc. I know he's looking out for me and for baby.

While I sit and bite my nails, figuratively speaking...because they are acrylics and I wouldn't want to mangle them...I realize that I only have  10-16 days before baby will be here. This is the last baby I will carry. This is the last pregnancy I will experience. In two weeks it will be a whole new world.  And in two months, new milestones. In two more baby, welcome to toddler-hood. Before I know it, it'll all be just a dream...a memory. I don't know if my boys know how much I've loved them every single moment of every single day of their existence but I feel compelled to tell them and show them much, much more. I know they see all the attention baby and I are getting but I hope they know that they too were in the baby bump spot light at one time. Now they're in the pre-teen and adult child spot light. Not as exciting, I know.  But they own it, let me tell you.

Tomorrow I'll find out whether or not labor is right around the corner. If not, I'll have to be induced and I'm hoping beyond hope that I don't have to be. I was induced with Caleb and Pitocin is no fun. Period. Gabe was a piece of cake compared to Caleb in the labor and delivery department. Hopefully this bundle of joy is no worse than somewhere in the middle! I've got all his little clothes cleaned and put away. I've got all the necessities ready for him at home. The car seat is installed and my hospital bag is mostly packed. I have a list so Barry can help me at the last minute if necessary. I informed the bosses that my last day would be July 26th unless baby decides to come sooner. Today I was wondering if sooner would be....TODAY! The Braxton Hicks contractions are serious today.  If I was timing them, which I haven't been because I've been pretty busy at work, they would be coming about 10-12 per hour. But they aren't consistent, every hour. And the space in between varies. So I know they aren't the real thing yet. I do, however, hope that they are helping to make some progress in baby's journey. 37 weeks and 4 days today, counting every second!!

I'm so going to miss this.

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