Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Ready, set....wait.

Well, I had my first OB appointment yesterday.  It wasn't nearly as long as I'd thought but I was smart enough to go online and fill out some of the forms in advance so when I got there I had less to actually write.  A lot of questions, a lot of free stuff and a lot of blood work! 7 vials of blood.  Seriously? I don't remember that part.  I swear it was like 3 vials with Gabe.  If I had known they were going to take that much I may have planned to have someone drive me home! It wasn't so bad. I didn't feel weak or anything.  But my arm sure is sore today. Should have had my mother in law do it. She's fabulous! Never hurts, Never. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to pee in the cup though. I went to the bathroom before I left work. Doh! What was I thinking??  Not a problem. Good ole over-active kidneys had my back. I could've filled 10 of those cups, I swear! And what's with the quick catch??  Seriously....if I have to go....I have to go. I don't have time to open that little packet and wipe and unscrew the top to the pee cup.....I don't have that kind of control people. We're talking 5 seconds max from the time I sit down on that seat. For the love of all things sane don't ask me to do that again! That took some major muscle control and concentration and I was NOT prepared for that!  I suppose I could've prepared all that before I sat down.  So much for thinking ahead, eh? I'm sure I'll get another chance to do it the right way. Only, what...8 months to go??

I'm done with the TMI moment. Sorry. 10 days.  I have to wait 10 stinkin' days to see my little bean!!  Do these people not understand how imperative it is that my mind be set at ease? All I can think about 24 hours a day is this little sprout. Every move I make starts with my little raspberry. I eat raspberries. I dream raspberries. I cry raspberries! Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth??? Okay. Okay. Okay. I'm good.  Whew! I'll be fine for the next 10 days.  It gives me something fabulous to look forward to.  Right? Baby needs to bake a little longer, anyway. In 10 days everything will be much more....real.  I'll stay focused and just live my every day life....eat, sleep, work, cook, clean, eat, sleep, work....That'll keep me plenty busy. Hmm...I think I can actually hear the clock ticking. Wait, I don't have a clock. Is it Friday yet??

Gabe seems to be exhibiting some jealousy already.  I'm not sure how to handle it now so I can't imagine how it'll be once the baby actually gets here.  He actually said to me, "not everything is about you having a baby". Are you kidding me, Gabriel Marcus???  Yes, it is.

I felt bad so I had to spend some time with him last night. We talked a little about the baby but I kept it to a minimum. Then it was all about him for a while. We started a paper model of our house.  It's just sort of like a pop-up mini-model.  We just did the first floor and we're about 1/2 way done.  Maybe 1/3 of the way.  He likes miniature things, always has.  One of his favorite mini-collectibles was some food that Aunt Cheryl bought him when he was about 4 or 5.  He loved those dang things and I was never able to find any more of them anywhere.  I think the closer it gets to delivery, the harder this is going to be on him. He's used to being the baby. He's used to getting pretty much anything he wants.  Well, to a degree.  Hopefully it won't take long for him to swallow the fact that we love him just as much as we always have, and just as much as the baby.  He'll always be my little Roo.  I don't know why he's so worried. I told him he would be babysitting this baby one day. His response? "Ok. But only if I'm getting paid for it." Hmmm...can't wait for that. Wait until he hears what he's getting paid with. Ha!

One thing I'm really not looking forward to is the whole daycare issue.  It was kind of a nightmare with Gabe and we were lucky to have Grandma Bev.  Then, when Gabe was a little older we were more comfortable sending him to daycare.  This baby will have to go to daycare at 6 weeks old or less.  This time I think I might want to find someone that does it out of their home.  The only part that scares me is figuring out what to do when that person is sick.  I'll have to have an alternate.  We paid $160/week when Caleb and Gabe were both in daycare and that was 10 years ago.  Ugh.  Great, now I have a headache.  I promise you, if it was possible to stay home, I would.  Can someone please just buy my groceries? I can totally figure out the rest.

So, this is 7 weeks.  I'm getting more and more excited every day.  I really want to find out what we're having, when we're able.  But I don't think Barry wants to find out. This is definitely a problem. I don't want green and yellow everything again.  I want to be able to shop gender specific isles. And I want to start shopping as soon as I can.  If it's a girl...I want to buy girly things.  I want to know that I CAN buy girly things.  And if it's a boy I want to be able to buy blue stuff, man. There is no way I could find out and not tell him so it definitely has to be one way or the other. If he doesn't give in I am going to make the last trimester of this pregnancy less than tolerable. I'm not playin', Silver.  You know you want to know. Sweetheart. You have 8 weeks to change your mind.

I could use a little help in the persuasion department.

Ok, cross your fingers and toes for me.  I need to get through the next 10 days with my sanity.  I've read every magazine, flyer, booklet and pamphlet that the Dr. gave me yesterday just to 'brush up' on my momma skills.  I've filled out all the cards for the free stuff.  I've added all the important dates to the calendar.  I've filled out the information in my keepsake book. I've marked the upcoming milestones. I've made list after list of things I'll need and things I'll need to do.  I've clipped some coupons and I've modified my do's and don'ts list. I'm a planner. It's what I do.  By golly, folks, I think I've got this!

Only 32 weeks to go!

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