Thursday, March 1, 2012

Weekly Chronicles...week 6

6 weeks and 4 days, I think.  My first OB appointment is Monday, March 5th and I’m so excited I could pee!  In fact, I could pee every 10 minutes. Really.  I honestly wish I knew how something the size of a blueberry could be making me feel like I have to go every moment of my day.  Actually, I already know.  It’s just amazing to me, much like every other aspect of pregnancy.  I guess since it’s been 11 years, I’ve forgotten a lot of it. 

Here I am, 6 weeks in and already feeling like a buffalo.  How is that even possible?  According to my scale, I lost 4 lbs.  Another amazing aspect, eh? Physically, I’m feeling a little better this week.  The headaches have subsided. I also got the bright idea that I could still have coffee…decaffeinated.  Oh yeah.  It’s not even close to the same.  But I like to think I’m tricking myself.  I still feel nauseated at times.  It sort of comes in waves. It could be my prenatal vitamins too.  Whatever it is, I’ll take it.

Last weekend we did a lot of relaxing, watching movies and just chillin’ at home.  Saturday night Barry and I were watching something and we had about 30 minutes to go when Gabe finished his last movie.  Bored to death he kept coming out into the living room and trying to get our attention.  I didn’t mind the first few times and I even tried to make suggestions for things he could do to occupy himself.  The one thing he couldn’t do was watch the movie we were watching.  Bridesmaids is not a great one for 10 year olds. He was getting more and more antsy and I just couldn’t take it any more.  I yelled, “if you can’t find something to play with in that bedroom full of 10,000 toys then we’re just going to have to give them all away!”.  It sounded really mean….like my next move was chopping the heads off his GI Joes.  5 Seconds after he turned around with his sad little face and walked into his room with his head down, I lost it again! This time, I was sobbing uncontrollably! I felt terrible for yelling at my little nugget like that!  I was trembling, shaking, having a hard time catching my breath because I was crying so hard!  I haven’t cried like that in a very long time.  And 5 minutes from that point…I was laughing. You know, the laugh that is so out of control you feel your face getting warm and you have to cross your legs extra tight!?  What…the…hell???  Really, Mr. Hormone, you trickster! You Jerk! You sick, twisted devil!!  Yeah. I’m not liking this part too much.  I never know if something is going to strike me a certain way and either the tears will begin to flow….or I’ll be running to the bathroom! Well…walking really fast, anyway.  Running hurts the ladies. And that, is a whole new episode. Good thing I haven’t spent that Victoria’s Secret gift card from Christmas yet.  Thanks, Ma and Pa Silver! I’m definitely going to need more support for these girls! Sorry, TMI?

I think I’ve been dealing with the physical symptoms pretty well.  I keep my mind preoccupied by making lists.  Yes, I’m a little OCD.  There is a lot to do between now and October.  So if I make lists I can look at them when I’m completely out of my mind and know that at some point, I had my crap together. I don’t know what we’re going to do about daycare.  I’ll call around at some point.  But I’m not sure if I want to put this baby in a center or find someone who does it out of their home.  There are fears either way I look at it.  I’d love to just stay home after the baby…but my lavish lifestyle won’t allow it.  In all seriousness…this part is the part that sucks the most.  The idea that I’ll be paying out the wazoo again for child care is not something I look forward to.  On one hand, it’s astronomical.  On the other, I understand that they have to pay their employees and other bills just like I do.  You can’t really put a price on the safety and well being of your child.  Speaking of paying out the wazoo…I wonder if they’ll do an ultrasound Monday. 

I am, after all high risk. What, with my old age and all.  I’m over 35 and I’ve miscarried twice so they have to keep an extra eye on me.  That works for me. I read a lot of pregnancy forums and blogs so I don’t feel so alone with all this anxiety I’m carrying around.  I’m a worry wart to the 100th degree.  I won’t lie. Every day I wake up hoping and praying that it’s a good day and that nothing comes in the way of another joyous day of morning sickness, cramps, 47 trips to the bathroom to pee, starvation pains, uncontrollable hormones and gas that could seriously injure my loved ones.  Because that, my friends is a clear sign that everything is A-ok.  So if I’m sitting next to you having an awesome conversation and suddenly let one loose don’t mind my giggles.  I’m not embarrassed in the slightest.  I’m just excited and happy to be farting like an old fat lady. 

Among the obvious, I have a few other things to discuss with my new best friend at the OB office.  Like whether I should trust that Chinese Gender Chart, whether I should get a fetal Doppler for home and what kind of exercises I can do.  A girl needs to know these things.  I tried 5 of those charts and they all say “girl”.  Confucius is in for some hurtin’ if I have a boy after all that! I think the fetal Doppler would set me at ease because I could listen any time I wanted for the little ba-boom, ba-boom of my little beans heart.  Barry feels differently. The first time we couldn’t find the heartbeat, he might just have a coronary.  Maybe the Doppler isn’t such a good idea.  And as for the exercises, my butt is only getting bigger.  I never really lost all the weight after Gabe but this time it’s different.  I was doing so good with my 4-5 days a week routine….and I haven’t really done much of anything for 2 weeks because I’m scared I’ll somehow cause another miscarriage.  Maybe that’s irrational.  But it’s real in my head and I can’t fight that feeling right now.  So….if I can’t do it with Billy or Carmen….who can I do it with???

That’s all the exciting milestones for this week.  I’ll have much more to say next week after my appointment, I’m sure.  Since when have I not had more to say? Stay tuned!! Thanks for reading about my prenatal endeavors!

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