Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Milestones and more

26 weeks, 3days.

Hitting the 24 week mark was amazing. At 24 weeks they consider the fetus viable, meaning, he could live outside the womb but likely not without complications. Gabe has asked me several times throughout this pregnancy what day we would know for sure that the baby was really coming. After watching me go through the miscarriages I think he just wanted to make sure that it wasn't going to happen again. Well, April 13 was that day. At 25 weeks I met another great milestone! I could finally see my belly beyond my ginormous boobs!! I still have to lean over a little to see it though. lol The following Tuesday, April 16th I saw Dr. Gibbs for my follow up from our last appointment. To my surprise, they hadn't scheduled the ultrasound. We talked about a few things, nothing major and he had them schedule me to come back in later that afternoon for an ultrasound so he could check the cyst and my amniotic fluid. Although, he did say that his measurement of my uterus was right where it should be. The 5 hours in between those two appointments was quite the nail biting experience. Baby was active but still cooperative for the tech. We were giggling because he kept kicking right where the doppler touched my belly. And hard!! By the end of the session it took everything I had not to just scream out my relief and excitement! Baby's cyst was GONE!!!! The amniotic fluid was measuring within normal limits and every other measurement she took was right where it should be for 24 weeks, 3days! She estimated his weight around 1lb 12oz and his heartbeat was 143 bpm. He looked so happy in there!!

Before I left Dr. Gibbs gave me orders for more blood work. I had to do my one hour glucose test. Bleck! He said anytime in a two week time frame but I figured the sooner the better. I couldn't do it that day because I would've failed for sure based on the breakfast I had. The following week Gabe had an appointment to see a podiatrist so I figured I'd go after that since I had already taken the time off work. I couldn't find a number for the lab anywhere but swore they were open until 7pm. WRONG! I got there at 4:37 p.m. and they closed at 5. The nurse said they didn't have time to do the 1 hr. test so I'd have to come back. That blows. I made it back Saturday (this past) only to find out that lab is closed on Saturdays. The good news is that it's in the hospital and they have another one. It took me a minute to find it but after much waddling, I made it. My Dr's. office is closed over the weekend so I had to wait until Monday morning to call in for results. I failed.

With my boys, I passed the one hour and never had to take it again. I tried so hard for 2 days to eat super healthy, low sugar, low carb, lots of water....and I failed. I don't know how to feel except worried. I know they worry about birth weight but my other two boys were big and I didn't have gestational diabetes. This baby is bound to be big, regardless. He's already above average in weight by the tech's calculations. I read that about 18% of pregnant women have gestational diabetes. That seems kind of high to me. I realize that the probability of it disappearing by the time I deliver is good. I just worry about complications for baby. I've done everything that I could to ensure a healthy living environment for him so far. I've had a bowl of ice cream here or there.  But I thought I was doing so good. :-(

Baby moves around all the time now, which is great! I've recently nicknamed him ninja baby. Sometimes I swear it feels like he's already trying to escape or something. The movement is very reassuring. He hasn't been moving as much yesterday and today, but he's moving.  I've also noticed more Braxton Hicks contractions. I know that's what they are because they are slightly painful and they make me nauseous. Yesterday I felt them 12 times. No pattern.  This pregnancy has been such a roller coaster ride. I really hope that I pass the next glucose test. I'm trying, baby Silver, I'm trying. xoxo

Caleb's senior prom is this weekend so that will keep me preoccupied for a little while. I've been doing a bunch of planning for his party the end of June too. The baby shower is a little over a month away and everything is coming along great. Invitations will go out this weekend. I'm excited and anxious. :-) I guess I'll just try to focus on keeping busy for now and continue to do the best I can with my diet for ninja baby.  Not that he is having any problem packing on the pounds just yet. And anyone with any advice about gestational diabetes, please feel free to share. 

Thanks for reading and stay tuned...

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