Wednesday, February 6, 2013

My miracle....every step I take...

Well, I've made it to the second trimester!! Although there are still mountains ahead, I feel so relieved to have made it this far. This was one of the first mile markers for me so it feels wonderful!

The ultrasound went well. They weren't able to tell me the gender but baby was active and growing strong. Everything was measuring right where it should so we still don't know why my uterus was measuring big last time. Crisis averted. Miracle achieved. :-)

The morning sickness seems to have let up a little more this week. I'm getting my appetite back! I can finally drink water again, thank goodness!! While I was super duper sick, water tasted like...mud. I don't know how else to describe it. It was awful. I couldn't even chew ice because it left a very dry, salty, dirty taste in my mouth. I've cut way back on the Gatorade and have been drinking other things that have much less sugar. I figure it's about time to cut back on that. I remember how active Gabe was in the womb and I'm thinking genetics are uncontrollable...but I can limit the sugar intake! That kid never stopped, from conception to!!! If you know my boy, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Lightening bolts. Electricity. Cat fight. Speedy Gonzales. Something like that. I'm wondering if this little bean will be as active. I can't wait to feel that first bounce. *sigh....

I'm still watching my portions though my tolerance has really improved. Last night I had spaghetti.  I don't know how smart that was. I think it's something in the sauce that baby just doesn't like yet. I did cook up some hamburger that I added to the sauce but I tried not to get any when I scooped up my serving. The red meat still doesn't sit well with me. Apparently baby is a vegetarian. Which is okay with me...except it makes it a little harder to plan meals in my house. What I need to do is have a salad every day. I absolutely love salad. And do you know that I couldn't eat that either a few weeks ago?!?! Red meat, pork, tuna fish, even some of the chicken I cooked hit me the wrong way. Ick.

Now that I've been feeling a little better I've been doing a little research about what kinds of exercise I can do. Right now, walking is about it. I haven't really done anything in weeks so I can't start with what I did before.  I guess I could throw a little yoga in there.  I just can't wait until spring hits and I can spend more time outside. Ah...I can smell the lilacs now....

Dr. says I have placenta previa. The placenta is completely covering my cervix as of last Friday. I have another appointment on the 19th to see if it moved at all.  Until then, I can't do much exercise anyway. He says rest and/or lay down as much as possible. And what woman does that? I work 45 hours a week and have a household to run. 'As much as possible' is the lovely 5-7 hours of sleep I get at night. If I'm laying down, who will cook dinner? Do laundry? Feed the dogs? Sweep the floor? Do the dishes? I guess they'll just have to figure it out. Apparently, it's early enough that as the uterus grows and the placenta grows, it will move up, away from my cervix. It grows toward the main blood supply, which is at the top of the uterus.  I'll be keeping my fingers crossed and soliciting prayers until then.

As good as I've been feeling I decided to start taking my extra vitamins again. I had been taking vitamin D and vitamin B on top of my prenatals. Doc thought it was a good idea. Well when I was puking my brains out every day I stopped taking them. I stopped taking everything except my prenatal. I even switched that to a gummie because I heard it was gentler. Same ingredients so I don't know how that works, but they were right. Much better. Anyway, after dinner I started not feeling well. Then I started feeling worse. Then I was curled up in a ball on my bed, tears in my eyes, shaking and I swore the hyperemesis (severe morning sickness) was back. I was soooo sick! I didn't throw up...but I was out cold by 9pm. I don't know if it was the spaghetti....or the vitamins. But it wasn't good. I've decided I won't be eating spaghetti or taking vitamin D or B until I talk to Doc on the 19th. That was just awful. I woke up feeling okay. I was able to eat some Cheerios. Haven't had them in ages...and man were they scrumptious!!

Aside from all the TMI that's been going on with my body and baby, I've also had some sciatic nerve pain in my left butt cheek. If I move a certain way I can feel it in my hip too.  I'm thinking it's just my hips adjusting to make room for my monster uterus.  I have round ligament pain from time to time...stretching and growing stuff.  But nothing incapacitating. It kind of reminds me of my dad and how no matter how I hurt myself when I was little his response was always, "Aw, that's just a growing pain!" I sure wish he was still around.  Mom too.  But I'm sure they aren't missing a thing up there! Along with Eekie and grandpa Runyan. I had a dream last night that was kind of weird, but Eek was in it. She was sitting on the couch (which was a daybed) in their trailer. I asked her why grandpa wasn't there but she never answered. There was a storm coming....a real doozie...but she just sat there, smiling, with that innocent, beautiful, youthful smile on her face, looking up at me as if to tell me there was nothing to worry about. My dad was outside....I thought maybe chopping wood or something?? My mom was reading poetry to my aunt Angie in a back room and someone was calming a crying baby somewhere. I could hear them, but I couldn't see them. I wish I could talk to a dream analyst about this one!! Although the dream was a little strange, I'm sure glad I got to sleep long enough to even have one. Lately it seems I'm up every hour or so to pee or re-position myself or get a drink.  Then I wake up around 330 and can't get back to sleep. Until about 5 minutes before the alarm goes off! Aahhhh!!!

And so the journey continues. I thought I was supposed to start liking being pregnant at this point. I don't dislike it. And I'm certainly overjoyed that I'm having another baby....finally! I just wish I could get some sleep, eat and not worry about tossing my cookies, wear some clothes that actually fit and walk without feeling like my hips were going to cave in on me. But I'll take all the discomforts and pains that come my way because in about 6 more months I'll be on cloud 9, smooching my baby from head to toe. Baby toes...oh....I just got butterflies in my tummy!! I can't wait!!

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